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Here you'll find info on the short film 'A Hairy Plan' as well as clips from the movie and behind the scenes info.

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Go behind the scenes.


The Budget

The movie was shot in 3 days and edited over a week. All post production including editing, audio mixing, colour correction, plus the computer animation was done by one person - Roger Aarons who also wrote, produced and directed the short film.

The Reviews

A Hairy Plan has been generally well received. Perhaps its biggest asset is the computer animated cat. Though some have argued that the animated cat does not appear enough in the movie. The best defence here is that the movie was intended to be more about a man and his crazy plan to make a quick buck than of the cat itself. Other feedback indicates that the film could have delved deeper into its subject matter, and with more 'gags' to boot. However, it's a fun idea that shows how a man's greed for easy money can lead to poetic justice for the very thing he's trying to exploit - the cat.

A miracle in the making

The film project had a very tight deadline for entry into a popular film festival and was punctuated by many circumstances that almost brought production to a stand-still, including: actors heading off on their Christmas holidays halfway through production; actors with busy schedules only having a day to choose and develop their characters; borrowed equipment that came with a big-favour price tag; the director had paid work commitments put on hold and a contract lost; a critical tape got severely corrupted in the camera and almost shut the whole project down for it not being repaired on spite of all that, everyone worked together so well, and the 'little movie that could', became - a little miracle.


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